Monday, November 27, 2006

The power of greengrass action,day three

Comic workshop`s partisipants have been really creative and energetic during last days - we have seen many interesting, moving and visual piece of arts. And the most important - comics are affective, worldwide and informative.

"My uncle who used to support me with fees, died before I completed my degree", tells 20-years old Awubwa Ayubu. He is from 20 000 inhabitans' Kamuli District, Uganda: "From village with many poor people who do not educate girls or with no required medication", Awubwa explains about the living conditions back in the Africa. He comes from a family with 12 children, 4 girls ans 8 boys. "HIV/Aids is a big broblem; it has made people poor, left behind many orphans and people who cannot work", he drops cheersless facts.

"Comics have been telling about confuse - new situations are scary", analyses workshop´s leader Leif PackalĂ©n who has been invited to this project as comic pedagogue.

"HIV/Aids is becoming the first problem for every person in the world", 15-years old student Davit Elcho from 3 millions resident´s Addis Ababa , the capital of Ethiopia, wonders. He thinks that the first thing to do is to inform everyone to realize how dangerous the virus is.
"It is not a problem for only poor countries, all of us must work together to avoid this disease."

Coffee break.

The power of greengrass action - faising up MY problems, on MY village, in MY way!

Andrea Andra from Mexico City says:"HIV/Aids is a big problem most of all because of the lack of information".

People were interested in the comics. Watch the videoclip below!

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